Saturday, August 30

Be Holy

“As the One who called you is holy,
you also are to be holy in all your conduct”
1 Peter 1:15

God tells us to be holy, like he is holy. How do I do that!?! He knows I’m going to sin, but he wants me to keep my focus, my “eyes” on him. Being holy means being set apart, so my conduct should set me apart from those who don’t know Christ. But I am not holy due to my own goodness; I am holy because I was called by God and I answered yes.

When I typed in “holy” in my online dictionary, here are a few of the definitions that came back:
  1. specially recognized as or declared sacred; consecrated
  2. dedicated or devoted to the service of God, the church, or religion
  3. saintly; godly; pious; devout
  4. having a spiritually pure quality
  5. a place of worship; sacred place; sanctuary

All of the above definitions can be applied to us as believers: we have been consecrated by God; we should be devoted to the service of God; we should seek to be like Christ (Godly); we have been cleansed by the blood of Christ so we should seek to remain spiritually pure; God lives in us, so we are his sanctuary. Salvation is not brought about by good works, it is only by trusting in Christ that we are saved. And being holy is not because of how spectacularly wonderful we are; being holy is completely dependent upon our relationship with Christ.

Lord, help me be holy as you have called me to be. Let my thoughts, words, and actions reflect YOU.