Sunday, October 26

Joy in the midst of trials

In these times of economic difficulties, political issues, and so on, it’s easy to become pessimistic, but if we know Christ, we can keep our focus on the things that really matter.
When Paul wrote Philippians, he was in prison, yet the recurring theme of this little book of the Bible was JOY! How did Paul have such joy while doing through such a difficult time? (You can references to all of these–and more–within the 4 chapters of Philippians.)
  • Paul prayed for others
  • encouraged others
  • focused on God’s point of view
  • saw God at work in his circumstances
  • had confidence in the ultimate outcome
  • remembered that heaven is his real home
  • did not complain or argue
  • knew that everything is rubbish compared to Christ
  • rejoiced
  • didn’t worry, but prayed
  • had peace
  • learned to be content
  • had confidence in the strength God provides

In 2 Timothy 4:10, Paul says “Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me.” When times of trouble come, will we–like Paul–choose to follow Christ even though it meant all sorts of trials and difficulties? Or will we–like Demas–reject Christ and choose the things of this world?