Tuesday, June 3


Psalm 34:1 “I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

This is what I’m working towards, but I fall woefully short. The Lord has loved me, saved me, forgiven me; he strengthens me, teaches me, blesses me in too many ways to count. Praise should be continually in my mouth. But still, I complain, I worry, I get grumpy. I know Jesus must just shake his head at me sometimes - or maybe lots of times.

But I’m trying. I want to live my life in a way that praises and glorifies Christ. I don’t think I should literally be speaking nothing but words of praise to God all day long, but I want every single thing I do and say and think to be a form of praise, acknowledging and thanking him for all he has done and continues to do.