Saturday, June 7


“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
I tend to compare myself to others. I know I shouldn’t, but I still do. Since God is still working on me, I expect to get better about that eventually. What I have to remind myself is that everyone has different gifts. I can’t be good at everything, BUT I can use whatever gift God gave me to glorify him. I can let him use me to bless others with my abilities. In fact, I feel very honored and humbled today because I followed a comment on my “counting tears” post, and the commenter wrote on her own blog that my post blessed her. That touched me so much. One of the things I’ve been wanting to to more of is write, but I feel lost as to where to start, so I blog as a creative outlet in hopes of dusting off my creative juices. But blogging doesn’t seem like anything special, certainly not anything good enough for God to use. But he has, and not just with this one person; there are others who have left the most wonderful comments or sent me emails about something I’ve said in a blog post (mostly on my other blog) that touched them in some way. I should never underestimate what God can do.

The only things I can remember being passionate about doing were: becoming a mom (did that!), teaching (doing that with homeschooling!), writing (just not all those dreaded lit class papers!), and photography. I’ve loved photography for as long as I can remember, but no one in my sphere of influence thought it was a “real job”, so I never tried to do it in “real life”. Over the years, I did keep it up as a favorite hobby, though. After much encouragement, my husband convinced me that we should start a photography business, and we did, last December. This first year, we’re really just gearing up and trying to discover exactly where our passion is, so that next year we’ll really try to kick it (the business) into gear. But here again, I wondered how taking pictures of people would really glorify God. Sure, creating tangible memories is a wonderful thing, and the photographs in my home bless me daily. I still felt like it was sort of “lesser” talent, though. That was until we discovered NILMDTS. This really is something that blesses families going through probably the most difficult and painful moments of their lives, and God has chosen to allow us to be part of this blessing. Again, I’m amazed and humbled.

I will continue to ask God to help me use all the gifts he’s given me, even the ones that seem insignifigant, to bless others, and to glorify him. I know he will, if I let him. I recently found this quote, and I have it on my other blog, and on the bulletin board next to my computer. I want to live by it.

When I stand before God at the
end of my life I would hope that
I would have not a single bit
of talent left and could say,
"I used everything you gave me."
~Erma Bombeck