Thursday, May 15

Dirty Laundry

Hebrews 2:11:
“Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
Why do we hide our “dirty laundry” from each other? Why are we afraid to let each other know about our dysfunctional families, the cousin in prison, the alcoholic father, the bulimic sister? Why are we ashamed of the “sins of our fathers”?

Jesus didn’t hide anything. True, his dad was God. But humanly, he came from a long line of disfunctional folks and big-time sinners. Prostitutes, murderers, adulterers, and the like. Do we claim to be better than him by keeping our skeletons safely hidden in the closet?

Jesus already knows all our disfunctions and claims us as his family anyway. Though I am a sinner who comes from a long line of sinners, he is not ashamed of me. In that verse above, Jesus is the one who makes us holy. Which means we aren’t holy to begin with, but he invites us to come to him and become his brothers and sisters. And once we’ve been adopted into the family, God becomes our Father, and Jesus is proud to call us family.