Saturday, May 17

Don't Fret

Philippians 4:6 - “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.”
I’m having trouble with this today, so this is a good verse for me to spend some time pondering. By the way, I use several different translations, and I think they all have merits. I really like because you can look at lots of different translations for a particular verse.

I already know that I shouldn’t worry. The Bible is quite clear about that. “Do not fret or have anxiety about anything…” Whoa - about anything? As in, nothing at all? That’s so, so hard for me. Some things seem easier to give over to God. Let him handle. But don’t worry about anything at all? That is definitely easier said than done.

So how am I suppose to do this not-worrying thing? Fortunately God gives instructions about that part, too. I am suppose to pray about everything. Not only that, but I’m suppose to ask him specifically for the things I need and want. Does that mean I’ll get everything? No, not unless he thinks it’s best for me. No matter what, though, he wants me to bring it to him. He wants me to ask, and then he wants me to accept his answer, whatever that may be. And the other part of this verse? I’m suppose to do all of this - the praying, the asking, the accepting - with thanksgiving. Whatever happens, if I’m continually praying about it, then I’m involved in a close relationship with God, which means he’ll hold my hand through it all. God is with me, holding my hand; that’s enough to be thankful for, and even though it’s REALLY hard, it’s also enough to ease my mind and help me let go of those worries.